Friday, May 9, 2014

Friday Flowers: Rhododendrons

These bushes were here when Mom and Dad moved here, but they love the colors that come out each spring. They have some in the back and the front, but so far, the ones in the back are being shy so we had to go out front to get pictures for today.

We had to be careful getting these shots. The bees are crazy about these bushes. They buzzed us constantly while we were out observing them. Sometimes the birds hang out in the bushes, too. There was a mommy bird and babies in there earlier this spring.

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Thursday, May 8, 2014

Mary Had A Little Lamb and We Can Show You the School

We went to the historic Wayside Inn for Paws in the Park. Mom grew up in Sudbury and is familiar with the history of the area. She decided to have us take some shots while we were there.

Her favorite is always of the Redstone School thought to be the site of the incident of Mary and her lamb. However, at that time the school, more commonly known as the Little Red School House was not located in Sudbury, but Sterling, MA. It was moved and used as a school by Henry Ford and later the town of Sudbury. While they seem to allow lambs in school, no dogs are allowed which is why we are taking pictures outside. (Actually, even Mom couldn't go in because there were no interpreters there today.) Mom had to attend school here for a very cold week during the Bicentennial as a kid. She was very grateful to go back to a place with heat and bathrooms.

As you can see unlike the lamb, we behaved ourselves. Well that’s our story and we are sticking to it. Mom has no real evidence after all in the pictures we look good.

Next door is the Martha Mary Chapel, one of the hottest wedding destinations in the area. People book years in advance. Mama went there once for a wedding and was kind of surprised by the attention it gets. It is a beautiful location and with the right package, you can even get a horse drawn carriage, but it is kind of plain on the inside. The first time she visited as a little girl I think she expected a Cathedral of some kind based on all the talk she had heard about the place. While nice, she couldn't imagine waiting years to book there.

The scariest place of all we visited is Mama's favorite picnic destination. The Grist Mill was a working mill in the time Henry Ford was using the property. Over the years it has had some people who made use of it. In more recent years its primary function has been a tourist attraction. Years ago Mama used to bring her Gram here to celebrate her birthday. Gram loved to watch the wedding parties emerge from the Martha Mary chapel across the street. Many use the Grist Mill as a backdrop for their wedding pictures. Even couples who don't get married at the Church or Wayside Inn still sometimes come and take pictures there. There are also lots of people who bring families and have picnics. While we love outings, this is not our favorite destination.

When the water is running, it is loud and it splashes on you. We thought there were far better places to visit back at the primary Paws in the Park location. We refused to get up close for a shot. No treats are worth facing that scary beast.

When Mom was done getting her historic shots done, we got to head back to Paws in the Park. Oddly enough the one shot Mom didn't get was off the Wayside Inn. Go figure. After Friday Flowers, Mama has one more post to share about Paws in the Park.

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Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Paws in the Park 2014

We had such a wonderful time and so much to tell that it didn't fit into one blog post. The Save a Dog Paws in the Park is held on the grounds of the historical Wayside Inn in Sudbury. (More about the historical sites in another post. Mom made us pose for pictures so we could share.) We saw so many new shelters and rescues that we hadn't seen before. It was great seeing them all come out and have a chance to get name recognition and make some money for their rescues.

When we went in we got bandanas and a goodie bag. If you were rescued from Save A Dog you got one color. Everyone else got the blue we are wearing. We thought we looked dashing.

People were so kind and generous and because we were so cute well behaved we got lots of free treats. Mom brought home some, too.

We thought of Frankie and Ernie when we saw the Daschund Rescue Kissing Booth. If you'd have been there guys, they'd have broken the piggy bank.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Protecting the Asparagus

Mom planted asparagus not really thinking it would come too much. Several years later every spring, we have to go out and guard the asparagus from creatures that might eat it before Mom and Dad get to cook it. It doesn't look like much, but Mom and Dad say it is a special veggie. Mom really likes the fact that it comes back on its own every year. It doesn't have to be replanted each year and it is pretty low maintenance from a veggie growing perspective. This crop is just about ready to be picked. Mom is already trying to decide what to make this weekend.

We just want to know when we are going to get one of those dog biscuit trees. We'd take real good care of it and make sure those nasty squirrels didn't attack it. Mom keeps saying she hasn't located one yet. We think she's just too busy hunting down veggie plants for her and Dad.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Friday Flowers

Today's Friday Flower picture is of our first Iris of the year. This poor yellow Iris didn't fair well with a week of rain. The purple Iris aren't even showing blooms yet. While Mama likes the yellow, purple are her favorite. She's collected different types from friends, family, and local garden club sales. Hers have spread and she's been able to pass them on to various family members.

We are looking forward to the Hostas. They make for great shade and places to stalk watch the various creatures that visit the yard.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

I Love My Purebred Dogs and I'm Not Afraid to Show It

Mom isn't a Facebook person, but felt compelled to post after reading Jen at My Brown Newfies & Me post this morning. As rescue Shelties we are huge supporters of rescuing dogs of all kinds. However, we also support people who get their pets from responsible breeders. There are lots of reasons people choose specific breeds.

Responsible breeding helps maintain healthy breed lines. Knowledgeable breeders work to reduce the instances of genetic challenges each breed faces and to help maintain the positive characteristics and traits of each specific breed.

Mom and Dad did lots of research before settling on Shelties. Mom had grown up with smaller dogs, but for a variety of reasons, Shelties proved to be a good choice for her and Dog Dad. While some fully understand and support their choice, especially when they realize we came from a rescue, others continue to think it is a snobbish attitude to want a purebred dog. We support owners’ right to choose as long as they do it in a responsible fashion. You can support Purebred dogs and be against puppy mills. In fact, we don't know any owners who love purebred dogs and don't understand the harm puppy mills do to purebred breeds through poor breeding.

There has been a huge campaign targeted against purebred owners and it is short sighted and ignorant. There is a way to support and encourage pet adoption from shelters without attacking those who choose a responsible alternative path. Choosing a responsible breeder to bring home your pet is a healthy choice for people who want a specific breed. There is nothing evil or selfish about making a choice that is right for the family.

However, even pet parents who choose breed rescues face critics for choosing purebreds over a mixed breed. These attacks seem even more childish since purebred dogs in rescue need homes, too. Having groups that understand the breed and can target appropriate homes for them seems like an intelligent choice, not a reason to criticize. Yet, Mom has been criticized for choosing breed rescue over visiting the local mixed breed rescues. This just seems to be about control, not really what is in the best interest of dogs.

We believe it is important to unite as dog owners and support all who love dogs without dividing into splinter groups. There is room for all of us the purebreds and the mutts, rescues and those who came from breeders to support and encourage each other. When our families start to splinter and point fingers, it is the dogs who always lose.

We think all dog owners should love their dogs and not be afraid to show it. It is time for the judgment to stop.